Recent Quotes

"My son is home and doesn't get free lunches at school, so what you guys send us is so greatly appreciated. I have been home off of work without pay since Dec. and it has been very difficult. Thank you for all you do for us!"

"We are desperate, I have been out of work for almost 3 weeks due to COVID-19 and I don't have any funds coming in. My rent is a month late. Any assistance helps my family - this food is greatly appreciated! Thank you"

Quotes about our newly remodeled space.

"I love the new place."

"Easy to navigate - don't have to follow others so close, nice & bright."

"It looks great! You did a great job everyone!"

"Muchas Gracias Por todo el Cambio les Agradesco Corazon Gracias."

These quotes were published in the 2017 Minnesota Food Shelf Client Survey conducted by Hunger Solutions Minnesota and SuperShelf.  The quotes below were part of the July 18, 2018 Carver County report with 3 participating food shelves. NOTE: Quotes are reported verbatim and only edited when necessary to protect client identity. 

"With 4 kids, food goes fast. Rent is high and all other living expenses. Receiving food means being able to go to the doctors or school meetings without having to worry about gas money as much, making sure my family is healthy & happy."

"It's a comfort to me to have the food shelf available. I have food allergies and sensitivities so I really appreciate when I can find items that I can eat. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of $$ to live one and most of my money goes for rent. I appreciate the people that volunteer at the food shelf here! Thanks for being here!"

"This food shelf is important because we struggle daily to make ends meet. The food shelf is a lifesaver."

"The food shelf helps us to provide meals including school lunches for our children when we're running low on money."

"We receive most of our monthly household food from this location. We are low-income and struggle to pay our monthly bills let alone purchase food for ourselves. This place has been a godsend."

"I am a single mother of two and my income has to stretch too far sometimes. This food shelf allows me to have one less expense so that my family can stay above water. Thank you."

"Single dad with a daughter. It is hard to work enough (daycare, baby sitters are expensive) to cover every expense."

"As I am the only one working at home, this shelf food help me and my family to complete at least a half of the food we need to buy for the month and we do appreciate it. Thanks."

"I'm a single mom with a mental illness living with my 60 year old mother who helps me support my 5-year-old daughter. I work full time, but with no college degree, it's a struggle to make ends meet with daycare/preschool costs so high. The food shelf has saved us. Without it our lives would have been far more difficult."

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