"Thank you to our generous community, civic organizations, and faith-based communities for your time and support."
Waconia Food Shelf Board of Directors
Business Partners

Mackenthun's Fine Foods

Melchert, Hubert, Sjodin Law Firm

Creature Works
Second Harvest Heartland Food Rescue Program

Second Harvest Heartland’s Retail Food Rescue program offers an innovative solution: partner with retail grocers in our communities to divert food being removed from their store shelves to feed hungry people. Aldi, Target and Kwik Trip all partner with Second Harvest Heartland to be one of our Food Rescue programs.

Aldi- Waconia


Kwik Trip - Waconia
Faith-based Partners

Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church
Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church provides lease support, monetary support, food donations, a community garden and coordinates the Easter Basket donation.

St. Joseph Catholic Church
St. Joseph Catholic Church leases their building to house the Food Shelf, coordinates "Walk on Waconia" in April and makes food and monetary donations. The St. Joseph’s School also provides weekly food donations during the school year.

Trinity Lutheran Church
Trinity Lutheran Church provides lease support and many fund raising activities that support the Food Shelf.

Waconia Moravian Church and Parkside Church
Waconia Moravian Church and Parkside Church also contribute toward our building lease and provide food and monetary support to the Waconia Food Shelf.
Oakwood Church, Promise Church, West Union Lutheran Church, St. Bonifacious Catholic Church, and Freshwater Church
Support us through food and monetary donations and volunteer time.
Servant Ministry of Waconia
Servant Ministry of Waconia supports our Backpack program and provides car clinics for clients.

Love Inc.
Mobilizing Churches in Carver County to transform lives and communities in the Name of Christ.
Public & Civic Programs

Waconia Lions Club
Waconia Lions Club support the Food Shelf with monetary donations which have been used for equipment such as a freezer and holiday programs.
Waconia Fire Department, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, American Legion and VFW
Waconia Fire Department, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, American Legion and VFW organizations have provided monetary support and school supplies for the backpacks

Independent District #110 Waconia Public Schools
Independent District #110 Waconia Public Schools donate food several times a year and participate in the Stuff-A-Truck food drive.
Individual Support
Waconia Fire Department, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, American Legion and VFW organizations have provided monetary support and school supplies for the backpacks

Cologne Academy
Academy holds food drives for the Food Shelf.

Waconia West Carver Rotary
Waconia West Carver Rotary has provided financial support to the Waconia United Food Shelf for many years to help purchase food, recently the Rotary has been involved in a hands-on project designed specifically to increase capacity, increase access to food and facilitate greater outreach to Waconia United Food Shelf clients and prospective donors.
Individual Support
Thank you to the many individuals who support the Waconia Food Shelf with their food and monetary gifts and volunteer time.